Two humans, Marie and Tundra, met at one of those inflatable indoor playgrounds, one hoping to make a connection, the other engaging in play with her boys. Tundra was endearing and Marie had lost her mother a year prior and there was some sense of familiarity on both sides.Tundra was learning and struggling to adapt to a new culture and Marie’s desire to share wisdom and connection formed a bond of sisterhood and love.
They spent the next year engaged with the kids and exploring topics of life's, deeper meaning, and unresolved pains in search of finding freedom. Tundra moved to California with her family.They stayed in touch and continued to support each other through divorce, career changes, relationships, loss and raising 2 boys and still finding wonder, gratitude, and joy in this life.
Through this friendship, Marie and Tundra began to dream of how to help people while brainstorming different ways to share information and help each other grow creatively. They found self-discovery and curiosity on how to raise their consciousness and vibration.
They learned that everything comes from LOVE and how to manifest it and share spiritual growth, lessons, understanding with intention to support through unconditional love.
This inspired the creation of Khun Road, an organization that supports being in the present, supporting creativity, community, deeper and more meaningful connections. The lessons of this friendship is wanting to share with others, to extend themselves in as many different ways as possible. It is the most fun, when supported in your growth by community.
When Jamison joined Khun Road, his motivation to help support humankind, creativity and heart shone so bright. He shared the same goals of reaching the highest of dreams.
Khun Road wants to transfer creativity and play into a healing way of life, a celebratory love of US.